A few guidelines, based on the author’s personal experience, for how to tender a genuine apology. This includes accepting full responsibility, along with possibly lasting guilt and regret.
Psychotherapy Issues Arising from Bipolar Disorder Symptoms
In bipolar disorder, there’s an underlying fear that the internal damage is so pervasive it’s hopeless to do anything realistic to repair or improve it, leading to a search for magical solutions instead. This article illustrates these dynamics with a case study and discusses psychotherapy for those who suffer from bipolar disorder.
Further Thoughts on the Lost Art of Conversation
Conversations with strangers in the context of a common interest, discussing a shared passion, can feel more intimate than another dinner out, listening to an old friend complain about her latest boyfriend.
The Toilet Function of Friendship (and Other Relationships)
Some people use their friends as a kind of “toilet” into which they can dump all their bad feelings. These individuals rely on a primitive kind of projection to evacuate experience they are unable to tolerate.
Autism Symptoms in Other Disorders
Autism symptoms may appear in other disorders though the person doesn’t reach the threshold for a full diagnosis of autism. Common autism symptoms displayed in such cases are flattening of emotion through the repetitive, circular use of words and music, and the deadening of relationships in which separation cannot be tolerated.