Self-love does not mean feeling the emotion love for oneself as an object, but rather reflects a state of wholeness and integration, where we accept the entire range of our emotions but feel driven by neither narcissistic defenses nor the demands of our superego.
The Interpretation of a Dream
An example of dream interpretation with a client in psychotherapy, with some thoughts about Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams.
The Mostly-Bad Mother
Thoughts about preserving the “good” bits of the mostly-bad mother.
Three Books about the Chemical Imbalance Theory of Mental Illness
A discussion of Sharon Angell’s two-part article from the New York Review of Books, in which she discusses recent volumes by Robert Whitaker, Irving Kirsch and Daniel Carlat addressing the chemical imbalance theory of mental illness, along with the influence of Big Pharma upon the psychiatric profession.
Freud’s Theory of the Id, Ego and Superego: Lost in Translation
Good things about the superego, and how it came to have a bad rap.