Growth and psychological transformation stir up existential anxieties about what it means to be alone with personal responsibility; they also make us aware of the passage of time and the inevitability of death.
Category: The Psychotherapy Relationship
Emotional Dependency and Stealth Control
Behind the apparent helplessness of people who suffer from extreme emotional dependency often lies a a secret and unacknowledged fantasy of controlling everybody around them and coercing them to adopt the role of caretakers.
Grief and the Attitude of Gratitude
The ability to feel profound grief and deep gratitude are the hallmarks of mental health.
Psychological Damage and Emotional Transformation
This article discusses the kind of psychological growth that’s actually possible, instead of the idealized fantasies of the people we might become.
Love in the Face of Hatred
Love in the face of hatred is what good parents give to their children, and what therapists in some way must feel for their most troubled patients.